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Carrie Oser
College of Arts and Sciences

BA, Sociology, Psychology, University of Kentucky; MA, PhD, Sociology, University of Georgia

Carrie Oser is professor of sociology and associate chair in the Department of Sociology in the University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences. She is associate director of the Center for Health Equity Transformation (CHET) and a faculty associate in the Center on Drug and Alcohol Research (CDAR). Oser's research interests include treatment for substance use disorders, health inequities, HIV risk behaviors/interventions, and social networks among rural, African American, and/or criminal justice populations. She has been continuously funded for over a decade by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) to examine these research interests and has published findings in over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles.

HEALing Communities Study role: Oser co-led the Criminal Justice Intervention Team within the project. She oversaw all aspects of the study design, implementation and dissemination of findings alongside Dr. Walsh, including developing collaborations with local community advisory boards and the Kentucky Department of Corrections. In addition, Oser served on the Health Communications Team to develop a comprehensive health communication strategy to reach the public, reduce stigma and increase awareness of and access to the programs evidence-based interventions.

For more information about Dr. Carrie Oser:

College of Arts and Sciences