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Dr. Margaret McGladrey, PhD
College of Public Health

Dr. McGladrey is an Assistant Professor with the Center for Innovation in Population Health (IPH Center) Transformational Collaborative Outcomes Management (TCOM) Implementation, Development, Education and Support (TIDES) group. She specializes in participatory health research and community engagement processes conducted in partnership with a wide variety of public and private agencies, such as local public health departments, K-12 schools, arts and culture nonprofit organizations, cooperative extension, county and regional jails, probation and parole offices, treatment courts, pretrial services, and recovery community organizations. 

HEALing Communities Study role: McGladrey is faculty co-lead for the Criminal Legal System Team and led the Kentucky HCS Photovoice project. The co-lead role involves working with state-level agency leadership, staff at local courts, Department of Corrections and county coalitions to implement evidence-based practices with criminal legal system involved individuals to reduce opioid overdose deaths. She designed and facilitated the Photovoice project with 10 different groups in coordination with the Massachusetts and Ohio HCS sites. 

For more information about Dr. Margaret McGladrey:

College of Public Health