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Dr. Philip Westgate
College of Public Health

BS, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Central Michigan University; MS, PhD, Biostatistics, University of Michigan

Dr. Philip Westgate is the Interim Chair and Professor in the Department of Biostatistics. His methodological areas of interest include cluster, group, or community randomized trials, longitudinal studies, and clustered data in general. Furthermore, he has applied interests in a variety of areas, including pediatrics and the substance use area. He serves as co-investigator on multiple NIH grants. Furthermore, he is part of the University of Kentucky’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS) Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) Core, and serves on the CCTS data safety monitoring board.

HEALing Communities Study role: Westgate is the lead biostatistician for the Kentucky site and is a member of the Data, Informatics and Biostatistics Core. Specifically, he will collaborate on all aspects of statistical modeling, data analysis and developing methodologic strategies needed to achieve the analytic goals of the project.

For more information about Dr. Philip Westgate:

College of Public Health