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Change conversations about opioid use disorder

As part of the HEALing Communities Study (HCS), multiple communication campaigns were developed covering a range of topics. To disseminate these resources and help support communities launch communication campaigns across platforms including social media, radio, and print media, HCS developed several communication campaign toolkits. Community members, agencies, and many others looking to identify and engage key audiences, connect priority groups to key messages, and drive calls to action will find these toolkits useful.

The toolkits cover three different campaign topics including: 

  • Introducing evidence-based practices for reducing opioid overdose deaths
  • Educating about naloxone and fentanyl
  • Raising awareness of medications for opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment  awareness, and addressing stigma associated with medications for OUD 

Each toolkit contains: 

  • Customizable materials for print or electronic distribution
  • Sample social media post templates, with captions and images
  • Templates for communication with media and partners (e.g., opinion editorial, sample press releases, etc.)
  • Customizable sample PSA scripts

Naloxone-Fentanyl Education Campaign

Learn more about the audiences the campaign was designed for, goals of the campaign including understanding the dangers of fentanyl contamination, the importance of carrying naloxone, and advertise where folks can obtain naloxone for free in the community

Download your copy today to access

  • Suggested channels for campaign distribution and sample print materials
  • Social media posts educating community members on fentanyl and directing them to available trainings and units
  • Op-ed directed to policy makers and community leaders, sharing data on fentanyl-related overdose deaths and harm reduction techniques
  • Email template to seek partnership from community organizations, and ways they could partner, including support sharing campaign content
  • Radio PSA scripts encouraging training and carrying naloxone with testimonials
Cover of the naloxone-fentanyl campaign toolkit

Addressing MOUD Stigma Campaign

This guide includes materials used for a media campaign that focused on addressing the stigma associated with medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). Campaign objectives and audience groups are outlined, and guidance for connecting specific audiences to key messages and calls to action. Download today to get started.

The toolkit includes:

  • Sample social media posts organized by audience
  • Examples of a highly effective campaign that incorporated photos of local community leaders
  • Sample newsletter for community partners agencies and organizations
  • Sample op-ed, partner engagement outreach email, newsletter, and radio PSAs
Cover of the MOUD Stigma campaign toolkit

Campaign Launch Toolkit

This campaign served as an introduction to HCS with a project overview. It contains initial social media posts introducing the topics covered in more detail in other campaigns, including OUD misconceptions, treatment options, naloxone, and safe disposal of unused medications

The toolkit provides: 

  • sample scripts 
  • posts for pledges of support for the study

Click here to download!

Cover of the launch a media campaign toolkit