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Any pharmacy, clinic, business, or public building can provide information on how and where to safely dispose of medication.

Removing unused, unwanted, or expired medications from the home helps reduce the chance that others may accidentally take or intentionally misuse these medications. The HEALing Communities Study (HCS) materials provided here were created in support of the pharmacy disposal program and can be used to inform the public about the importance of proper disposal of prescription medications, especially controlled substances like opioids.

Disposal Information Flyers

The Disposal Information Flyers promote the importance of medication disposal and the locations of disposal drop boxes in HCS communities. The front of the flyer is relevant to any geographic area, and the back of each flyer has disposal locations in a single county. 

Flyers customized for each HCS County are available through our Resource Library

Image of flyer discussing removing unused opioids from home. Discusses the misuse of pain relievers and accidental ingestion by children. Common opioid pain medications are listed including Hydrocone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone, tramadol, and codeine

Want more educational materials?

Additional materials and resources for healthcare professionals are available, including best practices guides for opioid safety, continuing education activities, and more.

View Now

Safe Disposal of Medication Poster

Download the Safe Disposal of Medication poster to share key information about methods and locations for medication disposal. When posted in a pharmacy, this poster meets the KRS 218A.170 requirement for pharmacists to inform patients about the importance of proper and safe disposal when dispensing certain controlled substances.

Safe Disposal of Medication Poster

Looking for a medication disposal location near you?

The DEA maintains a searchable database of pharmacies that have registered a medication disposal drop box.

Find One Today

Want to learn more about community pharmacy-based medication disposal?

The HEALing Communities Study Medication Disposal Program website is a resource for pharmacies that partnered to install a medication disposal drop box or anyone looking for information about offering medication disposal in a community pharmacy. While dropbox installation and support are no longer available through the HCS program, the webpage will remain available and includes information on changing the receptacle liners, returning full liners for incineration, and FAQs.